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01.22.07 - 1:18 a.m.

And I guess the thing is�there are always words to fit and fill the spaces where our hearts lay and for that I am inexpressibly grateful. If there is nothing else in the world that saves us, it is the ability to be able to say this is Where I Am. The tracking system of humanity. It is the technology of heart. And how is there to say �Lucky� when I look at a picture of people who are smiling at me taking their picture. In each set of eyes is something I understand as inexplicably that person. And how lucky is that? How fortunate that a camera captured, for me, the bulk of a set of hearts. And its saved to my desktop. I guess that we all need encouragement as humans and their faces, in them, smiles that all mean separate things. The smile from caroline that means �thank you for making me feel like something� and the smile from dan that says �I see all your bullshit and im happy to be with you� and the smile from shea that says �this is something so worthwhile� and the smile from chris that says �im happy to be here.� These smiles that all say something different to me and their people are solid�columns walking around the world and making decisions. Our hands spread so far, the people that are in our life are living lives and so on and so on. And I think about the baseball field where my brother coaches middle school baseball. Its so clear. The green and the brown, meeting up and not crossing and its so clean�the air. Everything is its own color and its comforting and the people in this picture are all the same color and mixed and permanent. But their muddied colors are muddied specifically. �This ill take from her� I can see them saying �and this ill give.� And it matches up. The specificity of it.

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