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03.26.03 - 7:25 p.m.

i want a badass page, dammit. Keep your fingers crossed that Anoop, King of Digital Interpretation will assist.

Today: Still reading The Years, and am concerned that i will end up just like eleanor...Nice and Pretty enough who JUST misses EVERYTHING. Men, Fun, Family, Career. No one that you would write about (unless, of course, you are virginia woolfe.) And this line:

"And she knew, with a chill that cut into her like a knife, releasing, that above all else and regardless, that this was the man she was supposed to have married"

And God, hes already married to her cousin and he leaves with that cousin but she goes on and he waits with eleanor for the bus and then they say goodbye, she so matter of factly because she is a proper woman who would refuse to pine over someone elses husband (unlike yours truly) and he watches the bus leave underneath a lamp being lit and i think he might know too, or at least, he knows that she is somone that moves him and he will NEVER be next to her. They will flit in and out of each others lives always wondering and a little anxious about how things in the world happen and so so sad, that THIS, that one, was supposed to be theirs. Or, that it could have been and it would have been lovely.

Could anything be more sensitive and important and curious and inconsolable?

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