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03.29.03 - 7:34 p.m.

so for some reason i have been searching for a husband for nearly a week now. I go through stages like this; "could this be him?" "What if that was him and i MISSED him?" And maybe its the aforementioned virginia woolfe and maybe im starting to feel the tug of my mid twenties ripping me out of self concern and into the arena of coupling up and setting out. I know that my looking must be directly unrelated to fruition of that search; i will meet him when im asking for more toliet paper at the Mr. Zipp, when i seem to be all by myself in a room with open windows and im humming, he will fall out of the sky in front of my feet and ill be the one that helps him to his. My calculated efforts will get me no further. My sisters are praying to Saint Anne. I have faith in her yet still find myself gazing on strangers who pass the store, who pull up next to me in traffic, who call the wrong number and im on the other end. Maybe, THIS is the one.

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