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03.26.03 - 9:07 a.m.

it occured to me all of a sudden this morning that everything in my life right now is fun. I mean, fun. I wake up at the extraordinary hour of, like, 9:30 and rock my ass off for twenty minutes while i get ready for a job that i get to wear jeans to and smoke pot at (although, i have yet to...) so i go to this job and solve problems for highly maitenanced women and gay men ALL day, then i eat lunch for an hour ans smoke and write letters and smoke and tease, and fix my hair and go back. I write this so that i can remember that sometimes life gives you a repreave and whether you take advantage of it or not it will end and youll be at bcbs of tn again, dressing in capri pants and poring over obscure points of archaic insurance law. Regardless.

Have a Good Day my lovelies!


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