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03.23.03 - 7:15 p.m.

First Point of Interest:

I have been wearing a thong all day and i hate it. I dont feel sexy, i feel like i have a teeshirt on that says "Im wearing a thong, isnt it obvious?"

All of my friends wear thongs. There is a string IN your ass! How can that be comfortable. I do think, however, that maybe after two or three more days, it might grow on me.


It appears that my graduate degree will cost $24,209 a year. Holy Shit. Thats with my phattybobatty fellowship. AND with this fellowship im not allowed to work more than 5 hours a week. So how do you do it?? I was planning on waiting tables or tending bar or something that i will probably still be doing AFTER my degree, and now, i cant. Ill spend 25 hours a week researching obscure facts about Madame Bovary and doesnt that sound like fun?

I will try to be positive and try to get used to the idea of paying uncle sam every month for the rest of my life.

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