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01.11.03 - 1:12 p.m.

i think in the end, im tired of serving other people. Ive been serving other people for the past two years and, while there is a certain humble quality to it, for the most part im tired of it. Im at my other job, right next door to my all day job, and people come in here and ask me to make appointments for them at my 9-5. Does it LOOK like we're in lulus? Huh? This is what i want to say but for the most part i tell them to call me when im THERE like everyone else. Ridiculous. I dont have much to say except that my radio crush emailed me. You remember radio crush? Every night from 8-12 he plays cd's from my car and his voice is sweet and his name is joshua. I hope he doesnt wear a scarf unless it was his grandfathers, unless he also wears courderoys. If he wears corderoys and tee shirts like record store chad i think i could deal with scarves, if he doesnt yell, if he doesnt drive a luxury vehicle. kate, sorry i haven't replied sooner- thank you very much for the kind workds. it is really nice to know that the music i play resonates with someone 'out there'. i hope you continue to enjoy the show (also feel free to continue to shower me with praise, i dont mind). all the best, joshua The best part about all of this of course is that its the university radio station and the other 20 hours it airs npr and classical, jazz and this strange segment where this couple is making their way across america and they run into all these problems that are neither really funny or appropriate to the show, it weirds me out every morning, still sleeping, ignoring the alarm. So he must be in school at ut chattanooga. i hope hope hope he wears glasses....but i hope hope hope he's not all artsy and pretentious like the ice princess, just in case. Im glad that i cant seem to get addicted to cigarettes but that the lack of that vice sticking has been a renewed interest in anything that can percolate. Thus, in a perfect catholic scenario of equality the nicotine stains im not getting are replaced by the brownish coffee stains i AM getting. "What goes around comes around," and maybe "nothing is free."

Could Cameron Diaz be any prettier?

im glad to be back

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