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08.05.02 - 1:30 p.m.

at this point in time its all about polyurethane. I need polyurethane so that i can cover the desk with pictures of my old life and my dear friends, in order that i might put my computer on top in order that i might, you know, write. Im feeling hopeful which is atypical of me. i think that i will get a mind numbing job as a secretary through some temp agency and then work my ass off and get into school. I no longer really hold the irrational belief that my $100,000 education necessitates/honors me the chance at a professional job and im not too concerned with that anymore. I am sleepy however. It seems that i still lack the ability to make a smooth transition from one bed to another, even when the aforementioned bed is simply in another room. My own old room to be exact. Its all very strange. Thank God for moms and dads.

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