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01.27.02 - 1:54 p.m.

my miami bathroom is wonderful. im sad robin doesnt love it...she keeps saying "its just so green," which i dont really understand but it makes me look around behind the bathtub and over the sink and try to imagine what is so green about it. Its green yes...absolutely no doubt about it. But nothing would ever make you feel so clean and beach worn and...i want to say, chipper? so ill say it...its makes me want to sing and wash between all of my toes and undress quicky and lithely. Robin says it hurts her eyes and, yes, there is something immediate and consuming about turns other previously nuetral things the same lime....the toilet and the sink and even her white towels glow from the inside with a cool hum. She wants fleur-di-lis now and silver stars which is fine and okay and bourbon street...but i cant deny to rush of it as it is...its undenyable and open and proud. I want to live here forever...even nextdoor to my now complicated/seen me completely naked neighbor tim and his myriad of friends with loud cars and blonde girlfriends. I dont necessarily want to live in birmingham from now until i die but i also want my bathroom in my life forever, and the warm ember of my room that makes you want to lay around and drink merlot and entertain boys. I like the way our cars end up on the block...the six of us fitting toyotas and fords and saturns bumper to bumper with no notion of whose car is in front of whose yard. Our driveway is a rotation of new trucks and old trucks....trucks with hunting racks or hula girls on the makes me feel safe...if nothing else is changing you never know whose bumper youll have to slide past to get to your own.

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