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03.15.08 - 10:30 p.m.

i dont like that after however long, diaryland has changed its font. Also, i think its funny that when you type in diaryland, it tells you that you have spelled it wrong.

Sometimes, when i got out with my friends, i am reminded how normal my life is.

I was supposed to work tonight, but i wasnt on the schedule, so i left. I met up with some friends of mine at a bar on 18th street. I realized how far from my friends lives i actually was. They were asking each other why i never text them back and the reason is, i cant ever see to text them back. What i mean, is why? Why would i text them back? Theyre in chinatown and i am in glover park, in my pjs, with my boyfriend. But now it is 1030 and i am totally wasted so much so that i cant even really type and i am all by myself. The thing is, i love this position....this is one of my most favorite places. Drunk. alone. and home. i tried to fill out an application to teach in charleston, which would be awesome, but i am too drunk to fill it in on the dotted line. i sliced open my thumb opening this stupid bottle of malbec which this guy told me was awesome, and i am glad that i only paid ten bucks for it.

i guess that, really, i have nothing interesting to say.

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