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12.06.06 - 12:06 a.m.

suddenly everything seems clearer.

if people were just stoned all the time, i think things would be better. Maybe not all the time, but once a day. And there should be a pad of paper next to them and just like that--you figure things out. Things seem less deep and impossible to crawl out of. My brother had a new baby--that seems important. My family is having trouble--that seems less important than it did before. People WANT to love other people--thats the thing. If we didnt want to, then maybe less problems would exist, and the other perfect things would become a problem. Families are formed to stabilize--that is what they want to do. Family units want an even keel. This is encouraging to me. Time heals all wounds--i think this is true but at the same time it cant help but be true because we die--and if our problems dont die with us and maybe not even the next generation, but every generation after that is ten times removed from your problem. People die, and thats what heals all. This is to say--i cant wait to hold that isaac in my arms and kiss his little head and tell him--welcome to this.

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