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01.07.04 - 10:27 p.m.

My incindiary and relatively sudden lusting after boys with tattoos, preempted by justin and supported by others, might best be described in a short poem by Kim Addonizio written in 1994.

i like to touch your tattoos in complete/ darkness, when i cant see them. I'm sure of/ where they are, know be heart the neat/ lines of lightning pulsing just above/ your nipple, can find, as if by instinct, the blue/ swirls of water on your shoulder where a serpent/ twists, facing a dragon. When i pull you/ to me, taking you until we're spent/ and quiet on the sheets, i love to kiss/ the pictures in your skin. They'll last until/ youre seared to ashes; whatever persists/ or turns to pain between us, they will still/ be there. Such permanance is terrifying./ So i touch them in the dark; but touch them, trying.

--Kim Addonizio (b. 1954)

"First Poem for You"

in all seriousness. jesus. thats pretty.

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