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08.05.03 - 7:54 p.m.

wow, this really has been a slow decline hasnt it. Ding ding ding, wake up kate!

How lame that i am spending all this time thinking about him and why he doesnt love me when i have its impossible transgression personally documented over the last fifteen journal entries.

I wish someone would read over the last fifteen journal entries and tell me what i would tell you if i had been given the same assignemt. Or tell me something i would never dream of telling you. Tell me something that is clarifying or enlightening or painful. I dont ask for much from this journal, but i ask this. If you dont know me, i dont care. If this is only the fourth time youve read my journal you know more about me than 99% of the people in my life. So tell me what you think, Because its not just justin. You know? Its justin and david and tim and eric and everyone ive ever loved. Its a pattern. Help me break it.

My friends, help me.

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