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02.18.03 - 7:21 p.m.

dammit. I want a boyfriend, but only one that will stay underneath my bed until i need him, you know? I am well aware that i have no idea where i will be in 6 months and that now isnt a good time to be in a relationship...blahblahblah...but dammit. i mean, you know? In lieu of bitching more about my hormones heres a fabulous conversation:

Jullibb: Katie?

Katrinaleo: hi

Jullibb: You miss flirting...

Katrinaleo: yes,

Katrinaleo: badly

Katrinaleo: hold on im updating my journal

Jullibb: with anyone in particular?

Jullibb: or a particular situation?

Katrinaleo: flirting?

Katrinaleo: well, yes, it seems as if there are only married men around me

Katrinaleo: and im through with that

Katrinaleo: but married men flirt

Jullibb: yeah, I know.

Katrinaleo: and its unfair

Jullibb: they do. And it's absolutely fruitless

Katrinaleo: especially when there is no one else on which to take out my energy

Katrinaleo: yes, fruitless

Katrinaleo: exactly

Jullibb: I do the same.

Katrinaleo: you want to be like "cut it the fuck out because you can go home and get laid and i cant."

Katrinaleo: i hate it

Jullibb: but actually, they may be kinda thinking the same thing about us...

Katrinaleo: well, i guess thats true

Katrinaleo: but theirs is more of a sure bet

Katrinaleo: especially in our particular situation

Jullibb: yes. It is.

Jullibb: you're right.

Katrinaleo: and the only boys around me are grown up rock stars and they still want, like, groupies and someone to wipe their ass and clean their cut off black denim shorts

Katrinaleo: dammit

Jullibb: so you're getting fed up with that kind of boy as well...

Katrinaleo: well, yes, but i want them to kiss me too

Katrinaleo: so its a tossup

Jullibb: I know.

Katrinaleo: im like, grow up, change your pants and throw me agaisnt the wall

Jullibb: But I (you?) don't want anything more than the kissing with those kinds.

Katrinaleo: well, me too, thats the problem, i want one really great guy to foster a relationship with and one to fool around with

Jullibb: me too!

Katrinaleo: and then, im moving away of course

Katrinaleo: so the fostering thing is out

Jullibb: I think I would like a relationship though -- I haven't had that before. But I'm hopewfully moving away too.

Katrinaleo: yay!

Katrinaleo: yes, a realtionship would be nice

Jullibb: I would have no idea how to have a friendl, fostered ting as well as fooling around -- with the same one guy.

Katrinaleo: and its getting to the point where we cant really mess around anymore

Jullibb: Something's wrong with me that I can't blend the two.

Jullibb: it is!

Jullibb: fooling around just fucks things up.

Katrinaleo: i mean, we are getting sort of to the point where if we want to have several babies 5 years apart then we need to get on the stick

Jullibb: and other people care about it too much.

Katrinaleo: yes.

Katrinaleo: fooling around is actually bad, youre right

Jullibb: damn.

Katrinaleo: ive never had one positive fooling around experience

Jullibb: ever watch TLC? Birth week? I can't have a baby.

Katrinaleo: oh yes, its terrifying

Katrinaleo: but i mean,

Jullibb: It's usually good for a while, then it's all fucked up.

Katrinaleo: yes

Katrinaleo: you start to get gooey

Jullibb: And involves ninety other people.

Katrinaleo: i do

Katrinaleo: that too

Katrinaleo: yes!

Jullibb: or you don't, and he does.

Katrinaleo: well, its usually the other way around with me

Katrinaleo: its the whole quiet, naked thing

Jullibb: or you realize that you're not in love with him (as he never was with you), and you feel like a slut for just fooling around and not putting in that extra non-physical part.

Katrinaleo: yes.

Katrinaleo: although

Katrinaleo: thats what i want

Jullibb: ... but not with Look at My Tie.

Katrinaleo: no!

Jullibb: let's hook up with Interpol.

Katrinaleo: are you feeling gooey?

Katrinaleo: oh please, oh please

Katrinaleo: what if??:?????

Jullibb: no -- I'm feeling the last scenario.

Jullibb: And that 's what I felt first, then thought too much.

Jullibb: You want to hook up with Interpol.

Katrinaleo: i think that us having homemade teeshirts will separate from the rest of the floozys

Jullibb: yes!

Katrinaleo: i love them all

Jullibb: and big hair!

Katrinaleo: as will you

Katrinaleo: yes!

Katrinaleo: expansive!

Katrinaleo: i cant wait!!!

Jullibb: behemothic!

Katrinaleo: gargantuan

Katrinaleo: english majors on parade

Jullibb: I can't wait either!!!

Katrinaleo: that weekend will be fab

Jullibb: but hey -- did I tell you that the corduroy kids will be there?

Katrinaleo: which ones?

Jullibb: let's not look for them.

Katrinaleo: why?

Katrinaleo: we will look great

Katrinaleo: and our hair will be great

Katrinaleo: and they can go fuck themselves

Jullibb: Look At My Tie, Dirty, James and Josh and Anthony, some of the younger kids...

Katrinaleo: wow

Jullibb: that's true.

Jullibb: we'll have fun and be fun.

Jullibb: together.

Katrinaleo: those johnnycomelatelys

Jullibb: you and me...

Katrinaleo: !!!!!!!!!!

Katrinaleo: lets be in the front

Jullibb: Kate, I feel like such a stronger person with you.

Jullibb: let's!!!

Katrinaleo: we will post ourselves

Katrinaleo: im glad

Katrinaleo: i feel like a magic person with you

Jullibb: I think that we're good friends for each other because I get the feeling that neither of us sees any bad about the otehr.

Jullibb: it's good to have people like that.

Katrinaleo: like some part of me might be glowing if you looked carefully enough

Jullibb: or a person.

Jullibb: yes!

Jullibb: and like I'm actually not a bad person.

Katrinaleo: or all of the bad corresponds with our own bad

Jullibb: true...

Katrinaleo: and so it negates itself

Jullibb: but it doesn't seem bad.

Jullibb: yes, like that.

Katrinaleo: no, it seems fun and original

Jullibb: it seems cute and humanities.

Katrinaleo: like the girl you wanted to be like in the 7th grade

Jullibb: no, not like her... like the girl you wanted to be maybe freshman year at the Cellar.

Katrinaleo: oh, yes, thats true

Katrinaleo: i didnt like ANYONE in the 7th grade

Katrinaleo: no one

Katrinaleo: not a damn soul

Katrinaleo: that sucked

Jullibb: like the girl that all the boys are too shy to talk to but are all in love with.

Katrinaleo: aw...

Katrinaleo: i cant wait to see you!

Jullibb: I know!

Jullibb: I miss you!

Katrinaleo: so you will be here fri night?

Jullibb: I can't wait to see your house!

Katrinaleo: i know!

Jullibb: yes -- I'll need to get directions.

Katrinaleo: ok.

Katrinaleo: will you come after work on friday?

Jullibb: it's in two weeks, yes?

Jullibb: yes -- I'll leave from work.

Jullibb: if that's okay.

Katrinaleo: 2 weeks from this friday

Jullibb: cool.

Katrinaleo: i want it to be tomorrow

Katrinaleo: or right now

Jullibb: me too!

Katrinaleo: but then we wouldnt have shirts

Katrinaleo: and wed have to go topless

Katrinaleo: which may work in our favor

Jullibb: very true...

Jullibb: we could wear paint.

Jullibb: and feathers.

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