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11.01.02 - 11:08 p.m.

today i:

1) got a job at a super trendy hair salon as the receptionisnt. My boss and friends call me the "Hair Traffic Controller." I guess thats pretty funny the first couple of times you hear it.

2) ate a chiken philly which made me a little sick as chicken always does.

3) made $46 mostly calling graduate programs and reading anne beattie.

4) ate dinner with the fam minus beth at the darling maounis' restaurant. All those blossoming catholic boys in one place is almost too much for me.

5) Went to mass as it was All Saints Day. I feel like there must be ghosts lingering around the bushes outside. My sister in law who isnt catholic was forced to swallow the eucharist by a wobbly woman who was in no way picking up the "My Hands are Across My Chest And Im Obviously Not Catholic" vibes. I didnt mention it and she didnt either. Its hard to convince protestants that every mistep is not necessarily a one way ticket to hell.

6) Worked out and Mr Know it All work out king pointed out more ways in which i was wrong. I smiled and thanked him.

I am feeling very uneasy about working at a hair salon after just procuring an $80,000 debt to higher education and i cant tell if dad is disappoitned in me too or if that is just my own insecurities. Its hard to tell the difference.

I am also worried that i wont get along with the trendy kids. Im not very cool. Im dorky in fact. I dont have the right clothes. I was never in the popular group. I have to tell myself this is just a job and not necessarily a lifestyle choice or laziness. Still. Its hard.

I wonder how mark is in thailand. I hope he doesnt find a girlfriend there. Damn.

I wish people would buy me cd's.

I am missing brads party. It breaks my heart. I love that kid. I hope she is having a blast. I had no money. It is becoming a mantra.

I wonder if my friends are sick of me? Are you? I think i kinda am..but then sometimes i really dig me. Days on and off.

The Sweet Maounis boys. They all live together in a house. I bet its filty. Aww

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