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04.15.02 - 10:15 a.m.

i love driving to work in the morning. Ever since i started this job i have to force myself to focus on things happpening around me because once i get here its pretty much a loss of daylight. today i saw an accident, a fender bender. It was the girls fault i think, on her cell phone with her head down, it happens. I must have come upon it soon after it happened and the car in front of me driving too fast up to it with his emergency lights flashing. I had enough time to watch him get out and walk quicky towards her. He walked right into her with a hug. Not stopping to look at the car or at the police or the other car. He walked into her like she was an open doorway. Like he might have walked through her. He put his arms around her waist like he might lift her up, or hold her if she needed it. She was wearing a jumper. She wasnt awfully pretty. He was. There was no space between them, no registering of personal space, it was like there were drawn together through a medium that was too thick, his body moving towards her quickly through moments that normally require pause. It was lovely. It made me lonely. And hopeful. And happy. I want to say something about all the things that we are allowed to see on a daily basis and how amazing that is, but i wont.

Instead, i will talk about how bad my skirt smells. I dont know what the deal is. I went to the laundromat yesterday and did everything, hiding my orange and red bras from the homeless guy tht feels the need to deeply inspect my underwear as i transfer it from basket to basket and when i got up this morning and stumbled to the closet to get dressed it hit me that it still smelled. Im wearing it anway and everynow and then i can smell it. It bums me out bc i really like it. Its like someone else wore it out of the store and all around and maybe overnight and then got caught adn had to take it back and they put it on a hanger again like nothing happened. Im secretely concerned it happened. I dont like the idea of someone elses thighs and knees in my skirt.

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