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04.10.02 - 10:45 p.m.

too many cigarettes last night has me couging a new cough that sticks in my chest. Well, heres this, tonight i went to campus to neighbor is not so safe all the time, and i headed around the track and every short end i watched the kids outside the cellar, this place that sucked a good majority of my time/energy, now nothing more than a hole in a wall. Tall, skinny kids in courderoys playing hacky sak in front of the doors, getting in the way of sorority types with their arms full of bottled water, lanky and vintage and so familiar, that part of my life feeling more and more distant as dress clothes and traffic and meetings fill in what was empty. Today was a long and pointless day, but beautiful. I was fortunate enough to leave work early, picked up my credit card from the bar that i left it at, saw my chiropractor, quit my job, it was a full day of not working, it was lovely. I need to get sheets that arent flannel. Its too hot all of a sudden, birmingham spring dead and buried in two short bursts of lime and rain and summer now, and too hot for snowflake sheets. There is more but too much.

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