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04.04.02 - 1:21 p.m.

the publisher of this magazine is listening to bob dylan. Im sitting here at my corporate desk minding my corporate business, working on typing up the interview that went really well thank you very much, and then its nothing but the familiar ascending harmonica slide and that voice that has only ever belonged to one man. There is so much about people that you just dont know. Who knew that this man who cant work the color copier (bless his soul) would find Dylan to be the perfect choice for a little early afternoon contract signing. Hes received an important call and the music stops and now its just me and my typing and his convincing voice over the telephone but there is something about this still wintery day that makes bob dylan in this office wonderful.

On another note. My mom is always pronouncing his name "Bobby D-eye-lan"

"That Bobby Deyelan fella" and its amazing that i know him now better than she ever did when she was my age and he was singing in her ear.

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