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02.25.02 - 7:38 a.m.

driving to work in a car that is still on saturday. Too cold to have the windows down but i did anyway the inside of Go smelling like cigarettes and sweat and the pavement on bourbon street. I neared 40 on our neighborhood streets with all the strewn feathers from our boas setting flight. The early sun through a dirty window and red feathers around my head and arms, resting cool against my forearm before ripping itself from the inside for the out. A pack of winstons that i didnt know anyone smoked and a naked girl lighter in the passenger seat. 20 ounce plastic cups we must have seen as souvenirs rolling pink and sticky under my feet, under the accelerator, reaching to grab and stack them and throw them in the back again.

And the window decoration picked up in toomsoomba alabama, licked, and stuck immediately to my back window, "Damn right im good in bed, i can sleep for days." I had to pull over and free it before i got to work and the spaces around me were filled with bmw's and suv's with car seats and dry cleaned clothes. And the tatoo on my right shoulder, a dragon i think? I keep having to readjust my dress to cover it, sneaking glances at my back in the reflection of my office window to make sure i cant see it. today will be a long day.

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