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07.29.03 - 12:59 a.m.

i spent two and a half hours listening to justin's upstairs roommate discuss politics.

Hes cute and obviously smart and he has an i-pod of which i am feverishly jealous.

For the most part i am completely unattracted to him.

What is wrong with me?

We like all of the same bands, he has the new white stripes on lp (one record is red, the other white...very cool).

He offered me a beer and then a diet coke and i didnt even have to step over anything on the floor that may have once been edible and/or left over from a tenant past, on the way to his kitchen.

He is funny. He has this great job and all the toys he could want. He has more dvd's than god, and those cool silver plates on his kitchen ceiling that you see in restaurants.

And he isnt happy.

I feel sorry for him, and he feels sorry for himself for dropping out of graduate school and getting a safe job in information technology.

I feel that there is more than one soul who is watching me enter graduate school with wishes that they were in my shoes.

They all keep speaking of all the people i will meet and all of the experiences that i will have. They tell me that they are proud of me and then they look a little sad, or nostalgic maybe.

Then they start talking about going back to graduate school and how theyve always wanted to do this and that and this and i make a mental note to do all that i can so that i never regret this decision i am about to make.

And so that i can make them proud of me.

I didnt see justin tonight.

I passed his steps and went up roberts to give him a light. We talked and talked. I am looking forward to talking again. Or to listening again, which is really what people seem to need, and which i can offer.

He offered to find me an i-pod for cheap(er) and i believe him. I hope he finds his happiness.

In the meantime we will watch all of the cohen brothers movies on his big screen tv and i will let him tell me about neo-conservatism and how oil makes our world go round.

Nightynight sleepy kids.

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