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08.12.02 - 3:08 p.m.

i started to take the assessment ( and found that i could pay them $8.95 to tell me i could be an artist, a writer, or a professor (not a high school teacher, mind you, since one of the questions asked me if i was afraid of children to which i emphatically answered "of course".) OR i could hold onto that $8.95 and feel secure in the fact that someone else knows i WONT probably end up as an Administrative Executive or an Electrician. Thank God for the internet. It did tell me that i might be a great office clerk which was depressing...although i think that anyone who can alphabetize and say "Sure, Ill hold" could be an office clerk. So, that helped. I think i will work at a university. I love the sight of kids with carrier sacks and highlighters and leaves falling and curling around feet and belltowers. im a terrible nerd and im okay with that. People are asking me what i am reading and listening, well, here you go.

The Lecturers Tale: Im laughing out loud, at 4 am in my parents house.

The Go-Girls Guide, Surviving your 20's with Savvy, Soul and Style: Thanks to Michi... Its helpful but i find myself like a deer in headlights sometimes, that same deep fear in my stomach, that self doubt that a. i will never amount to anyone b. i will never have a title and c. is everyone having sex? Its helpful but also difficult to read, not mentally but emotionally. Like a slight pressure to your bruised ego. Pages and pages and pages of Pro-Active (my least favorite word) advice when all you really want to do is go to sleep.


Luna (thanks fred ashe)

Dashboard Confessional

Silver Jews (again, fa)

Ani (great melancholy songs and "Gravel" thrown in for good measure.)

Mates of State (fabulous)

im loving my online journal again, yay!

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