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05.17.02 - 12:47 p.m.

I called my mom today from Tuesday Morning. I went to buy sheets and got a damn good deal on 200 thread count sheets. but thats neither here nor there. I call her to tell her about vase that she would love and she starts to cry. Shes crying bc im in tuesday morning by myself. She's sorry that im lonely and sorry that im alone. I stood in the middle of aisle three and listened to my mother cry and i was amazed that my loneliness was that pervasive. That it wiggled through the wires through, to her. And i wasnt even lonely at that time. i was fine, proud of my great deal. She was fine, pulled herself together, and told me that she just wishes the whole world thought i was as great as they did. It was strange and it made me sad to see her cring face through the phone. Weird.

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