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01.18.02 - 11:34 p.m.

i wonder this: lately ive been ahving these thoughts about my life that seem wildy important or extraordinarily interesting and then i realize that a million other people are proabably feeling the same way right now and immediately i am neutralized. The thing is...whenever i used to have these thoughts all i wanted was a peice of paper and a pencil just to record it...just to have a kernel of an evidenced thought in my possession. Now, i feel less of a need to write. I bring it to the surface, expose it to some stupid love song, equate it to some singer/songwriter from the 70's and its gone...and empty. I wonder if im doing this bc im (jaded) or if finally my brain hurts from my abuse of it. And then here...i cant record everything. This is why i hesitated to start one bc i dont hold anything back in my paper journal...and here i have to be selective and here there are things i cant discuss and that is difficult bc it really has taken the place of my other journal. I am tired...i am tired of thinking and thinking and thinking.

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