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01.12.02 - 12:16 a.m.

1. I have been adding things to my keychain at an alarming rate. As soon as i get used to the familiar clink of house key against car key it changes. There is the security sensor for work and now the key to lodestar and now im heavy and more plastic than metal and im growing up. I dont want anymore keys, but eventually i will be a janitor with interconnected metal hoops holding entrance to the boys locker room and the cafteria freezer chest.

2. i keep trying to write an email but when i start i am stumped by the subject line which has always struck me as an unfair barrier and it leaves me feeling concerned and i stop because i dont know the subject...its just me wanting to ramble to you who has always been my filing cabinet and greatest supporter. Instead i feel that i should wait until i have a real concern before i take time out of your busy schedule.

So i come here and say everything i wish i could have said, to you.

3. i had a cute hair day today and no one to witness it but a homeless man who read tarot cards at the shop today.

4. everyone who doesnt have someone is always wondering if everybody has someone. I did today when the pretty chef mentioned his girlfriend and the tickets to see the Pixies that he bought from his priest for her birthday. He was wearing purple courderoys and his hair was gelled which surprised me. He made amazing butternut squash soup which we ate over the sink...totally against food service rules...and we talked about saudi arabia and other pleasant things until he mentioned this woman and i imagined her in a long hemp dress with pretty eyes and straight hair. Brad would have loved him, he was an art major, makes wicked tasty vegan food and has a seemingly endless array of courderoy pants. There is a garage door that closes in suburbia after a significant other is mentioned. Your ex-beloved is on the one side with their basketballs and wheelbarrows and youre in their unfamiliar driveway, turning to find your way back to the street. It is unfortunate. I must be way down on the list.

i am tired but afraid of sleeping here alone. Im afraid of the dark.

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